Draft Photo Collage

photo collage

These three images represent where I came from, what has changed, and who I’ve become. I wanted to create something simple yet meaningful. The first image is the view from the deck at my house; the second is a strikingly stunning sunset I took driving back to Pullman one Sunday evening; and the bottom photo is my pledge class of gorgeous squirrel sisters at Alpha Gamma Delta. To create this collage I added 3 layers containing each photo, enhanced the vibrancy and saturation of the photo, and also added text consisting of some of my favorite song lyrics. “Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten.” – Natasha Bedingfield (Unwritten, 2004)

When I first left for college I had no idea how much I would miss the familiar surroundings I’ve grown up with around me for the last 18 years. My family has been incredibly blessed with such a lovely home with nature’s pure beauty radiating everywhere you look. The extraordinary sunsets, complex tree-topped mountains, and the gorgeous flat-glass lake are just parts of the scenery I’ve grown up with right in my backyard. I think one of the reasons I had such a hard time transitioning to my life here in Pullman was that I am so in love with where I grew up. That house has helped shape me into the person that I am today and I will always cherish all the memories I’ve made in little Newman Lake, Washington. I spent last semester focusing on how much I missed the familiar setting of home; I didn’t truly see the beauty of Pullman. One change I’ve made for the sake of my own happiness is to stop fretting about the past and keep my focus on the positive things I have going for me. How lucky am I to be receiving an education on such a beautiful campus? We may have to deal with the scorching summer heat and some chilling 20-degree windy weather but after all, nothing beats a Pullman sunset. There’s no place I’d rather be. ❤

One comment

  1. olivialueders · February 3, 2016

    After reading all of the comments from my assigned group for the draft photo collage, I am certain there are some things I can do to improve my work. Starting with my photos. Someone pointed out that the dark photo in the middle is fairly dark so I plan on lightening the background of the image or changing the order of where I placed my photos. I also plan on blending the layers together along with the text. It was also noted that the words “the rest is still unwritten” look a little awkward because they are placed in the middle of last two photos so I plan on rearranging that to seek fit. I really appreciate that everyone had honest critiques and helpful feedback that will benefit my final photo collage. This project has been fun because not only do I gain new skills becoming more comfortable using Photoshop, I get the opportunity to express myself while doing it.


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