Final Logo

final logo

After receiving feedback for my draft logo, I wanted to take into consideration my group members’ comments on my work. My initial ideas for this project were to create something simple and artsy out of my name and initials. I was possibly striving towards something such as banner that I could use as a header image for my personal social media sites. I felt like I had a pretty solid start with my draft and I was happy with the way things were looking so preceding with what step to take next was rather challenging. After playing around Adobe Illustrator for many hours, I decided I liked the look of a very simple font, enhanced with some color to help add some depth.


The first step I took in creating my logo was using the rectangle tool to add a large black background. I chose black because I knew whatever font & color I picked would stand out against a black background. While editing my logo I decided to change the black background to a cream color because I wanted to incorporate lighter tones with my theme. Originally, I intended to use only the text tool to add my initials in all caps with a significantly larger font pt., but then once I was searching through all the fonts trying to decide my favorite I came up with a new tactic to execute the image I had in my head. I proceeded to take the pencil tool and sketch my initials just as I would sign them on a piece of paper. It took a lot of moving around the anchor points to get them just where I liked the placement. As my work started to progress I almost got the placement perfect, I grouped and locked the layers exactly where I wanted. Playing with the color and shape of the lines was my favorite part, which was where I added my favorite color (purple) along with some grey with the gradient tool, and the shape of the lines giving my initials some depth. Then I used the text tool to add my first and last name on the sides of my initials and the finishing touch, the little heart on the very end of my last name. The color of the heart was initially a grey/ purple gradient color, but I decided to change it to white. Someone in my feedback group pointed out that the gradient of the heart was the opposite as the gradient of my initials so in order for my initials to stand out as the main point of my logo I just decide to match it with the white name text.


All together I am very satisfied with my finished product after making a small few changes. The fonts along with the soft colors help portray my personal style better than the dramatic black background did. I would definitely use my final logo as a header image or a background on my personal social media websites.




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