Draft Audio Story

Composing my draft audio story was both challenging and fun at the same time. I have never really done a podcast/ interview with a program such as Audition, but the Audition tutorials helped guide me through the program so that I could continue to familiarize with all of the tools. In the past I had edited music using the program Garage Band so I think that helped me pick up the instructions for Audition relatively easy. At first I wasn’t sure how to execute the draft of this project, but I ultimately decided to go with an interview with my 14 year old brother Carson. Figuring out how he can relate to my blog topic through things he is encountering was fairly easy because we are both students. We are 4 years apart in age but we can relate on multiple things we struggle with in school such as subjects we struggle in, how missing class can cause you to fall behind, and the importance of test preparation. Being siblings we share the same views on a lot of things and we also have developed similar habits regarding schoolwork and studying. We both also share the same concept of how hard it can be to figure out what you want to do with your life. Granted we are both at very different points in our lives, but we both can agree that certain challenges you may encounter day-to-day can cause you to sometimes feel discouraged. After I collected my raw audio footage and transferred it into Audition, I knew I had a lot of editing to do. Using mainly the razor tool, I cut out any unwanted fragments of our interview. I struggled with the deciding what pieces to keep was rather difficult because the total time of the session was well over 2 minutes. Finally I was able to taper it down to 2 minutes on the dot! I’m aware there are some parts where my voice doesn’t sound natural, or I begin to say “umm” but I plan on re-recording those parts when I create my final audio story.

One comment

  1. olivialueders · March 23, 2016

    The feedback I received from my group for my draft audio story was very helpful. I was advised to make my voice sound a little more natural so it didn’t sound like I was reading a script, to try fixing the volume in places where my voice sounded louder than others, and to fix “ums” and to really pronounce my words distinctly. After completely my draft audio story I knew there was a lot of room for improvement. This project was definitely something new for me and pushed my out of my comfort zone a bit, but it’s also something I would like to become more comfortable with. It’s hard recording yourself speaking, but I think my little brother did a really good job with his answers which definitely adds to my project. When I go back to re edit my audio I’m going to address each one of the suggestions my group members addressed with their feedback to help improve my interview for my final project.


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