Draft Video Story


For my draft video story I gathered footage from my favorite place on earth, which just happens to be my home. I thought there was no better inspiration to make a video than the nature and beauty of where I live. This video represents what I’m looking forward to most as summertime approaches and all of us college kids head back to our roots. I filmed most of it on my little brothers new drone that he got for his birthday. Becoming familiar with the settings and how to fly it was excited yet challenging. It was really fun but it made us pretty nervous flying over the lake because we sure didn’t want to lose it in the water! I also used the time-lapse setting on my iPhone to film the clips of me driving home from Pullman one weekend to signify leaving for the summer. I also used my mom’s video camera when I recorded the clips of my dogs. I didn’t expect to gather so much footage and various clips from different angles and such, so determining what pieces I wanted to use was tricky. I pieced them together in an order that I think looks good and flows well but I might play around with where I want the final placement of each clip to be. This happens to be a very rough draft and I plan on cleaning up a lot of the clips, adding transitions where needed, and applying some different effects. I thought the song I chose adds some fun and upbeat vibes to my video but is not too distracting. Overall, I think working on my draft video story for this unit has been the most fun and becoming more familiar with editing videos is something that I’m definitely going to use in the future!


  1. ukulkaylee · April 26, 2016

    Hi Olivia,
    First of all the drone footage was super awesome it makes your video seem so real and professional and I’m seriously blown away. I liked that you used a lot of landscape footage and your home’s beauty was wonderfully captured in your scenes. The music you chose was a really effective choice and it maid it seem fun and carefree and made me think of summer. I think that you could add some text to it, just in the beginning, to say where you are. Like a brief title almost. I also hear background music in the car under your main music you chose, there is a way to mute that track (I just don’t know how to do that either). Awesome job!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. olivialueders · April 26, 2016

    Going through the feedback I got from my group for my draft video story was definitely going to be helpful when I go back to re-edit some parts before I submit my final video story later this week. I knew there were some changed I needed to make when I uploaded my draft, but the feedback I received from my group helped point out some things that I wouldn’t have even thought about taking into consideration. Someone pointed out that I some of the clips from my footage still had it’s original audio attached, which you could still hear through the music so I will definitely have to go back and make sure I have all those muted to avoid the audio contrast. I was also advised to add some text such as a title just to introduce my project and what it’s about which is something I hadn’t planned on doing, but I think that would add another aspect to my project to increase its complexity.


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